The Journal of Surgical Sciences agrees to accept manuscripts prepared in accordance with the Uniform Requirements Submitted to the Biomedical Journals’ published in the New England Journal of Medicine 199 1; 324 : 424-8.

Objectives of the Journal:

The Journal of Surgical Sciences is one of the premier clinical and laboratory based research journals in Bangladesh, Its international readership is increasing rapidly. It features the best clinical and laboratory based research on various disciplines of medical science to provide a place for medical scientists to relate experiences which will help others to render better 

patient care.

Conditions for submission of manuscript:

All manuscripts are subject to peer-review. Manu scripts are received with the explicit understanding that they are not under simultaneous consideration by any other publication. 

Submission of a manuscript for publication implies the transfer of the copyright from the author to the publisher upon acceptance. Accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of the Journal of Surgical Sciences and may not be reproduced by any means in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher.  

It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce illustrations, tables etc. From other publications. 

Ethical aspects:

Ethical aspect of the study will be very carefully considered at the time of assessment of the manu script. 

Any manuscript that includes table, illustration or photograph that have been published earlier should accompany a letter of permission for republication from the author(s) of the publication and editor/publisher of the Journal where it was published earlier.  

Permission of the patients and/or their families to reproduce photographs of the patients where identity is not disguised should be sent with the manuscript. Otherwise the identity will be blackened out. 

Preparation of manuscript:

Information provided in the manuscript are important and likely to be of interest to an international readership.


a) Manuscript should be written in English and typed on one side of A4 (290 x 210 cm) size white paper.  

b) Double spacing should be used throughout.  c) Margin should be 5 cm for the header and 2.5cm for the remainder. 

d) Style should be that of modified Vancouver.  

e) Each of the following section should begin on separate page  

-Title page 

-Summary/abstract and Key words 




-Tables and legends. 

f)Pages should be numbered consecutively at the upper right hand corner of each page beginning with the title page

Title Page:  

The title page should contain:  

-Title of the article (should be concise, informative and self-explanatory). 

-Name of each author with highest academic  degree and attachment 

Name and address of the author to whom corrspondence regarding manuscript to be made Name and address of the author to whom request for reprint should be addressed  


The summary/abstract of the manuscript Should be informative 

Should be limited to less than 200 words Should be suitable for use by abstracting journals and include data on the problem, materials and method, results and conclusion. 

Should emphasize mainly on new and important aspects of the study. 

Should contain only approved abbreviations  


The introduction will acquaint the readers with the problem and it should include: 

Nature and purpose of the study 

Rationale of the study/observation including research question  

Strictly pertinent references 

Brief review of the subject excepting data and conclusion  

Materials and method:  

This section of the study should be very clear and describe: 

The selection criteria of the study population including controls (if any). 

The methods and the apparatus used in the research The procedure of the study in such a detail so that other worker can reproduce the results (study design) 

Previously published methods (if applicable) with appropriate citations.  


The findings of the research should be described here and it should be: 

Presented in logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations. 

Described without comments. 

Supplemented by concise textual description of the data presented in tables and figures where it is necessary. 


During preparation of tables following principles should be followed 

Name of the department and institute where the work was carried out 

Tables should be simple, self-explanatory and supplement, not duplicate the text. 

Each table should have a title and typed in double space inseparate sheet. 

They should be numbered consecutively with roman numerical in order of text. Page numbers hould be in the upper right corner. 

If abbreviations are to be used, they should be explained in footnotes.  


Only those illustrations that clarify and increase the understanding of the text should be used and;  . All illustrations must be numbered and cited in the text. 

.Print photograph of each illustration should be submitted.  

.Figure number, title of manuscript, name of corresponding author and arrow indicating the top should be typed or, a sticky label and affixed on the back of each illustration, 

Original drawings, graphs, charts and lettering should be prepared on an illustration board or high grade white drawing paper by an experienced medical illustrator. 

Figures and photographs:  

The figures and photographs:  

Should be used only where data can not be expressed in any other form Should be uncounted glossy print in sharp focus, 12.7 x 17.3 cm sincere. . Should bear number, title of manuscript, name of corresponding author and arrow indicating the top on a sticky label and affixed on the back of each illustration. 

Color Photographs are preferable Including CD/ DVD and other Documents.  


The legend: 

Must be typed in a separate sheet of paper Photomicrographs should indicate the magnification, internal scale and the method of staining. 


.All scientific units should be expressed in System International (ST) units. 

.All drugs should be mentioned in their generic form. The commercial name may however be used within brackets. 


The discussion section should reflect: 

.The authors’ comment on the results and relate them to those of other authors. 

.The relevance to experimental research or clinical practice. 

. Well founded arguments. 


This section of the manuscript 

Should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. 

Should be identified in the text by superscript in Arabic numerical. 

Should use the form of references adopted by the US National Library of Medicine and used in Index Medicos. 


Individuals, organizations or bodies may be acknowledged in the article and may include: Name (ora list) of funding bodies. 

Name of the organization(s) and individual(s) with their consent. 

Manuscript submission:

Manuscript should be submitted directly to the Editor -in-Chief and must be accompanied by a covering letter and following inclusions: a) A statement regarding the type of article being submitted. 

b) Statement that the manuscript has been read, approved and signed by all authors. 

c) Alerter from the head of the institution where the work has been carried out slating that the work has been carried out in that institute and there is no objection to its publication in this journal. 

d)If the article is a whole or part of the dissertation or thesis submitted for diploma/degree, it should be mentioned in detail and in this case the name of the investigator and guide must be specifically mentioned. 

Submissions must be in triplicates with four sets of illustrations. Text must be additionally submitted ina C D. 

 Editing and peer review:  

All submitted manuscripts are subject to scrutiny by the Editor in-chief or any member of the Editorial Board. Manuscripts containing materials without sufficient scientific value and ofa priority issue, or not fulfill the requirement for publication may be rejected or it may be sent back to the author(s) for resubmission with necessary modifications to suit one of the submission categories. Manuscripts fulfilling the requirements and found suitable for consideration are sent for peer review. Submissions, found suitable for publication by the reviewer, may need revision/ modifications before being finally accepted. The Editorial Board finally decides upon the publish ability of the reviewed and revised/modified submission. Proof of accepted manuscript may be sent to the authors, and should be corrected and returned to the editorial office within one week. No addition to the manuscript at this stage will be accepted. All accepted manuscripts are edited according to the Journal’s style.  

Reprints for the author(s):  

Three copies of each published article will be provided to the corresponding author free of cost. Additional reprints may be obtained by prior request and only on necessary payment. 

Subscription information: 

BSAPS Journal , Published by the Editor-in-Chief two times a year in January and  July.  

Annual Subscription: 

Local BDT 300.00 

Overseas $ – 30.00 

Subscription request should be sent to: Editor-in Chief Journal of Bangladesh Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, Shankar Plaza (5th Floor) 72 Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondi,Dhaka-1209 

Any change in address of the subscriber should be notified at least 6-8 weeks before the subsequent issue is published mentioning both old and new addresses. 

Communication for manuscript submission:

Communication information for all correspondence is always printed in the title page of the Journal. Any additional information or any other inquiry relating to submission of the article to the Editor-in-Chief or the Journal office may be contacted.  


 No part of the materials published in this Journal may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Reprints of any article in file Journal will be available from the publisher.