Case Report


Open Access


Published: 01 Jan 2020

ISSN: 2958-6194 (Print) ; 2958-6208 (Online)

BSAPS Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2020

Resurfacing Large Palmar Hand Wound with an Aesthetic Demand from a Patient: A Case Report 
Rahman H1, Azad MAK2, Mannan MA3, Rouf RS4
  1. Dr. Hasib Rahman, Associate Professor, Plastic Surgery, Dhaka Medical College and Hospital.
  2. Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad. Associate Professor, Surgery, Mymensing Medical College and Hospital.
  3. Dr. M.A. Mannan, Assistant Professor, Surgery,Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College and Hospital. 
  4. Dr. Rushda Sarmin Binte Rouf, Registrar, Department of Endocrinology, BIRDEM.

Dr. Hasib Rahman, Associate Professor, Plastic Surgery, Dhaka Medical College and Hospital.Email:; cell phone: 01711-016996.


Women pursue hymen reconstruction for various personal and cultural reasons. Patients may seek to restore the native hymen following sexual violence, medical interventions, or other involuntary hymenal injuries to reclaim personal ownership of their bodies. Others wish to reexperience their first penetrative sexual encounter with a partnerl. Certainly the most commonly reported motivation is the restoration of physical virginity to align patients with the premarital expectations of their ethnic and religious backgrounds. The role and need of hymenoplasty is debatable. But that is not true for the revirgination procedure. In revirgination the tightness created cannot be denied to a patient by any law anywhere in the world, and it is the right of every woman to request this. Every married couple is entitled to the feel of vaginal tightness and accompanying intensified sexual pleasure. The concept of deception is not relevant. This operation is done for the patients, and the principle of confidentiality is as old as medicine itself. But factors such as sporting activities and the use of tampons mean that bleeding with first sexual intercourse is not essential?. Over and above, the method is consistent, reproducible and repeatable if required. The newly reconstructed hymen is strong enough to sustain daily activities, but at the same time weak enough to get ruptured at the time of sexual penetration. 

Keywords: Female genital cosmetic surgery, Hymenoplasty, revirgination. 

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Resurfacing Large Palmar Hand Wound with an Aesthetic Demand from a Patient: A Case Report