Hymenoplasty: More than Aesthetic Gynecology

Women pursue hymen reconstruction for various personal and cultural reasons. Patients may seek to restore the native hymen following sexual violence, medical interventions, or other involuntary hymenal injuries to reclaim personal ownership of their bodies. Others wish to reexperience their first penetrative sexual encounter with a partnerl. Certainly the most commonly reported motivation is the restoration of physical virginity to align patients

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Use of Autologous Fat Grafting as an Adjunct to FAMM Flap for Reconstruction of a Traumatic Lip Injury by Human Bite

Humayra Z U, Sharmin A, Khan MA | The lips have important functional and aesthetic roles in daily living(!). They are the focal point of the lower face, with several aesthetic units intricately controlled by a complex series of muscles. Restoration of the whole spectrum makes reconstruction of the lip especially challenging. Case Presentation: A 25 years old female presented with a severe tissue defect on her upper lip and left angle of mouth to

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