Case Report


Open Access


Published: 01 Jan 2020

ISSN: 2958-6194 (Print) ; 2958-6208 (Online)

BSAPS Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2020

Use of Autologous Fat Grafting as an Adjunct to FAMM Flap for Reconstruction of a Traumatic Lip Injury by Human Bite
Humayra Z U1, Sharmin A2, Khan MA3
  1. Dr. Zaman Ummay Humayra, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Japan East West Medical College Hospital, Dhaka 
  2. Dr. Afrina sharmin, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Z. H. Sikder Womens Medical College Hospital, Dhaka 
  3. Dr. Mustafa Amin Khan, Assistant Professors Department of Plastic Surgery and Burn, National Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dr. Zaman Ummay Humayra, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Japan East West Medical College Hospital, Dhaka. phone:01716711063, 


Introduction: The lips have important functional and aesthetic roles in daily living(!). They are the focal point of the lower face, with several aesthetic units intricately controlled by a complex series of muscles. Restoration of the whole spectrum makes reconstruction of the lip especially challenging.

Case Presentation: A 25 years old female presented with a severe tissue defect on her upper lip and left angle of mouth to Japan East West Medical College Hospital, Dhaka. She explained that 1 day back she had been involved in domestic violence and her husband had bitten her on lip. An orofacial examination revealed as Lackmann’s classification of facial bite wounds type IIIa-. After a proper wound excision, lip defect was covered with a Facial Artery Musculomucosal (FAMM) flap in the first stage. Oral commissure reconstruction and scar revision was done after 2 weeks as second stage, to correct macrostomia and restoration of oral competence. Autologous fat graft was performed to ensure adequate volume enhacement of the newly reconstructed lip as the third and completion stage to achieve the final aesthetic goal and patient satisfaction.

Conclusions: Patient satisfaction is a whole spectrum which encompass both functional and aesthetic restoration. Therefore, aesthetic adjunct procedures may play important role in reconstructive surgeries specially in severe deformities.


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Use of Autologous Fat Grafting as an Adjunct to FAMM Flap for Reconstruction of a Traumatic Lip Injury by Human Bite